The Two-Step Process of Getting a Driver’s License

Though the process of getting a driver’s license may be simplified to a few steps, it does not necessarily mean that it is an easy in-and-out operation. One has to prepare well enough to pass both processes. The process that most states have is the knowledge test and the road skills test.

The first step is the knowledge test – this is for getting a permit.

Knowing the proper rules of the road is important when getting a license, so the first test consists of a written road rules and road signs test. Once the new driver has proved they understand the rules of the road, they can receive their learner’s permit to allow them to actually learn the skills needed behind the wheel of a car. The learner’s permit is designed to give new drivers a period (six months to a year), in which they can learn to drive under the close supervision of an experienced licensed driver (21 years of age or older). Once the new driver has developed their driving skills and gained enough experience, they should be ready to pass their driving skills or road test.

The second step, of course, is the driving skills test.

The behind the wheel road test is designed to test the basic driving skills that everyone needs to safely handle a motor vehicle. The road test is really quite simple. Although the road test is quite simple, approximately twenty five percent of new drivers fail in their first try. The examiner will give the new driver instructions to perform simple driving tasks such as parking, making an emergency stop, and a three-point-turn. The test isn’t designed to try to trick the driver and the test examiner will not ask the new driver to do anything that is illegal. If a minor mistake is made, the examiner will note it on the test form. If enough minor mistakes are made, usually adding up to 30 points, the driver will not pass. However, most of the failures are due to simple but costly mistakes. Mistakes such as failing to stop completely at a stop sign or hitting the cones while trying to park are grounds for an automatic failure. New drivers should practice these maneuvers over and over until they are second nature before attempting to pass the road test.

If you hold a valid license from one state and are trying to get a license in a new state, most states will allow a transfer of licenses without any additional tests but some states may require that a driver take either the written road test or both the written test and the road exam. Check the your state’s DMV driving manual and be prepared.

The key to getting a driver’s license is: study well, practice well and be patient.