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Florida Driver Handbook: Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators

Study for your upcoming driver's license test or learner's permit exam with the Florida Driver Handbook.

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Florida Driver Handbook: Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators

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Table of Contents

2. The Florida Driver License

Within 48 hours after completing the required initial registration as a sexual predator or sexual offender in Florida, all sexual predators and sexual offenders who are not incarcerated, including sexual predators and sexual offenders who are under the supervision of the Florida Department of Corrections, shall register in person at a driver license office of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or Tax Collector licensing agent. If otherwise qualified, such person shall secure a Florida driver license or identification card.

The sexual predator or sexual offender must identify him or herself as such and provide his or her place of permanent or temporary residence. Post office box numbers may not be used in place of a physical residential address.

Each time a sexual predator's driver license or identification card is subject to renewal and within 48 hours after any change of the predator's or offender's residence or change in the predator's or offender's name by reason of marriage or other legal process, the predator or offender shall report in person to a driver licenses office or Tax Collector licensing agent. If otherwise qualified, such person shall secure a Florida driver license or identification card.

For more information about registration and notification requirements, you may contact your local sheriff's office, your supervising officer with Probation & Parole or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement at 1-888-FL-PREDATOR (1-888-357-7332), Sexual Offender/Predator Unit, Post Office Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489;

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